
Sunday, January 22, 2012

100th Day of School

To keep the 100th day of school educational I decided to do an activity with the first graders where they learned the equivalent of 10x10 to 100. First we used a 100s chart to count by tens and get to 100. Then the students used the sheets below to make ten groups of ten. I just drew 100 in the middle and then made ten sections. 

Students could pick from counters, pennies, or base ten blocks to make their groups.

After making the groups, the students had to take all of the items and fill their 100s chart to make certain ten groups of ten equaled 100. Make sure the students recount each group because some students accidentally put 11 or 9 in a group.

When the students finished I allowed them to decorate their paper and draw ten items in each section. They got really creative!

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